
Blu-ray Boutique: Episode 19 – Pride Month: Documentaries

Hosts Rosalie Lewis and Tim Rosenberger celebrate pride month by educating themselves on the gay and lesbian experience through two historic documentaries: Portrait of Jason (1967) and Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives (1977). The films explore what it was like to be gay in the 60s, 70s, and earlier.

Both films are currently avaible on The Criterion Channel.

Written by Tim Rosenberger

Tim Rosenberger is a Midwest journalist with a passion for film, a Star Trek phaser in the bathroom, and a last name that’s always spelled wrong. He’s a lover of all film genres and time periods but does lean towards pre-1960s movies, with a particular love for the ‘30s and ‘40s. A film blogger, video reviewer and podcaster in his spare time, he lives with his wife, a cat who hates him, and his adorable and way cuter than your child daughter.

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