Cat Smith is the reigning Miss Nerdstiles, having inherited the crown from absolutely no one, because she made it up. She is an actor, a musician, a cosplayer since before they had a word for it, and a general nuisance (General Nuisance *salute*). She and her ukulele have charmed the collective socks off of LI Who and LI Geek, ReGeneration Who, WHOlanta, Potterverse, Coal Hill Con, Time Eddy, MISTI-Con, Hudson Valley Comic Con, Wicked Faire, SqueeCon, The Way Station, and The Pandorica Restaurant . She has written for "Outside In" and "Why I Geek" (among others), and you can find her music on bandcamp at Consider supporting her continuing adventures by becoming a patron at

James Mortimer is a writer from Essex, UK. He has a Twin Peaks podcast (Front Three-Quarter View), writes poetry (under the name IOLUS) and is ridiculously excited to be writing for one of his favourite websites.

профессиональная установка мебели...быстрая сборка

Former writer and editor.

Writer, wannabe filmmaker, OG Peaks Freak.
On Team Tammy -- don't say nothin' bad about my homegirl because that's when I go off!
Per Ardua Ad Veritas -- Mori Autem Non Dismissus.