
Blue Rose Task Force Podcast: Lynch Dreams Up A Big One in Episode 2

Cooper’s Red Room dream gets the deep-diving spoiler-filled treatment this week as the Blue Rose Task Force podcast explores instant classic Episode 2, the third overall installment of Twin Peaks. 

This week’s show begins by digging into what David Lynch brought to the director’s chair when he returned to the show after directing Wild at Heart. Then you get a discussion about how the ending of the International Pilot was repurposed into Cooper’s dream in the episode’s final act. And after the production history wraps up, the podcast kicks into gear using all aspects of Twin Peaks from 1990 to 2017 to analyze the iconic episode.

Audrey and Johnny Horne match up well with comparisons once again to Kubrick’s The Shining. Music is in the air, and the Double R, and the Palmer house. Throwing rocks at bottles explains more than you’d think about the reality of the town. And a lot of people ask questions with no answers given. Do the answers come in the form of a dream?

And about that dream sequence, all the elements are properly considered as far as their reasons and meaning, from the use of light and sounds, to the presence known here as MIKE. Probably the meatiest part of the podcast comes when exploring just what or who Lodge Laura might be.

If you like what you hear, Blue Rose Task Force would love to hear from you. Send any of your questions and feedback to and we’ll discuss it in our monthly Mailbag episodes.

Blue Rose Task Force is presented by 25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network. Production by Mitch Proctor and Area 42 Studios and Sound. You can listen now on Spotify, Apple and other podcast platforms.

S1E3 “Zen or The Skill to Catch A Killer”

Listen to this episode from Blue Rose Task Force: A Twin Peaks Obsessive Podcast on Spotify. Cooper’s Red Room dream gets the deep-diving spoiler-filled treatment this week as Blue Rose Task Force explores Episode 2, the third overall installment of Twin Peaks.

The following articles were discussed in this episode:

Reincarnation and the Return: Part 1

Understanding Season 3: How the Fireman “Brings Back Some Memories”

Written by John Bernardy

John Bernardy has been writing for 25YL since before the site went public and he’s loved every minute. The show most important to him is Twin Peaks. He is husband to a damn fine woman, father to two fascinating individuals, and their pet thinks he’s a good dog walker.

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